United Federation LEOS-PBA Servicing the State of Oregon Phone: 202-595-3510
Oregon State Security Guard Licensing Information

State Security Licensing Authorities: Oregon

Oregon: How to get your unarmed private security guard license
What are the minimum standards for an Armed Private Security professional?
Private security providers must be:
At least 21 years of age; and
Must have earned one of the following:
A high school ​diploma; a General Education Development (GED) certificate; or a four-year, post-secondary degree issued by an accredited degree-granting college or university.
​Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0320.
Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.​
Certification and Licensure Fees
Unarmed Professional Curriculum
Unarmed Professional Basic Course​
Unarmed Professional Refresher Course
Unarmed Private Security Training PowerPoint
An app​licant for certification as an armed private security professional or firearms instructor must not:
Have been committed to the Mental Health and Development Disability Services Division under ORS 426.130, or similar order in another jurisdiction;
Have been found to be mentally ill and subject to an order under ORS 426.130 prohibiting the person from purchasing or possessing a firearm as a result of that mental illness;
Be prohibited under US Code Title 18, Section 922(g)(8) (relating to civil restraining orders including stalking or harassment) from possessing a firearm in interstate commerce; or
Be prohibited under any law of this state or any federal law from purchasing, owning or possessing a firearm.
What forms do I need to submit for an Armed Private Security certification?
Applicants must complete an application packet containing:
PS-1 (Application for Licensure or Certification of Private Security Services Provider);
A completed fingerprint card. The Department will supply pre-printed FBI fingerprint cards. Proof of completing Fieldprint electronic fingerprints is also acceptable.
The original Form PS-6 (Affidavit of Instructor and Private Security Provider Testing Results) completed as prescribed by OAR 259-060-0060; documenting completion of the training required.
Nonrefundable certification or licensure fees.